Left: Series of posters for the 90th anniversary of the Museum of New Mexico created by Late Nite Grafix, Inc. in Santa Fe, New Mexico. The challenge was to bring together very different institutions and emphasize that they are all part of one family of first-class museums. "I faced some interesting creative problems with this project," said designer Gary Cascio. "First, how to design a series that works together as a unit while also making sure each poster could stand alone. Then the challenge was how to depict five state monuments on one poster, surrounding an image of Billy the Kid, so that each monument stands out." According to Barbara Hagood, writer and director of marketing and public relations for the Museum, "The public has clamored for the posters. They have been distributed during the anniversary celebrations, at community events, to elected representatives and within numerous state offices."
Gary Cascio, art director/creative director; various photographers.